Comic Shop Spotlight: Action Figure Planet
Dec 01, 2016
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Action Figure Planet in Holyoke, MA.
OWNER: Nancy Cote
MANAGER: Brandy Mimitz
STORE SIZE (SQ. FT): 3,000
What has been your best promotion or event? Selling Funko POP's two for $20.
What recent changes have you made in the store? Moved to a larger location three months ago so that we could expand our selection. We also started a loyalty rewards program where customers earn points towards future discounts.
What steps have you taken to expand your customer base or to reach out to individuals unfamiliar with your store or comics in general? We do a lot of regional comic cons to let people know about our store.
What are your plans for the near future? Just to keep on growing!
How did you choose your store name? Since we sell action figures, it was important that those words be part of the name, and we chose “planet” since we wanted a word that meant "large," since we planned to grow.
What superpower would you most like to have? To fly, I suppose—I hate traffic! LOL
The shop carries toys and action figures from a wide range of multimedia properties—this corner is devoted to popular video games. | Customers who prefer surprises over spoilers can get their fill with the shop's large mystery box selection. |
Superheroes are in the spotlight in this portion of the store. | The Walking Dead and Dr. Who get their due in this section of the shop. |
There are also plenty of other fan favorite shows and movies repped on the shop's shelves. | And when they're done collecting, customers can get suited up in the shop's costume section. |
Click here to see more stores featured in the Comic Shop Spotlight! |