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Diamond Delivers the Ideal Target Audience for Your Marketing Mix

They're buying comics... and posting their opinions online.

They're purchasing toys...and tweeting what new collectibles are coming soon.

They're the Wednesday shopper and part of the Comic-Con crowd.

They're living the Pop-Culture Lifestyle... and they're the target audience you covet.

And now, Diamond can deliver Pop-Culture Lifestyle Enthusiasts and Key Buyers for your marketing mix.

Through our powerful integrated print, online, and social media networks, we provide vital product news and information, keeping consumers and retailers up-to-date on comic books, graphic novels, toys, and other related pop-culture merchandise. As the nexus for all products shipping to comic book and game specialty shops, Diamond is in a unique position to deliver your ad and editorial content directly to your target audience!

Let us show you how!

For a complete media kit, contact the Marketing team by clicking here.

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