FCBD Comic Spotlight: Titan Comics' Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor Year Three #9
Aug 29, 2017
On Free Comic Book Day 2017, Titan Comics brought the four modern Doctors together in an astounding new story by Alex Paknadel and Mariano Laclaustra. Now, see the Eleventh Doctor portrayed by Matt Smith embark on an all-new arc as he and Alice usher their sapling to the most inhospitable part of the universe.
This week, on Wednesday, August 30, the 11th Doctor's story continues! Stop by your local comic shop and make sure to grab a copy before they run out!
(W) Alex Paknadel
(A) I. N. J. Culbard
(CA) Antonio Fuso
The sapling continues to grow, under the influence of the Doctor and Alice - but can it suppress its programmed instincts for mass-destruction? When the three take a trip to the most inhospitable spot in the universe, the truth will come out!
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